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Guestbook Entries
Okay, if you're wandering around here I'm sure you know the drill. <smile> Here's a list of people who have graciously filled out the guestbook. If you'd like to do the same, feel free to do so by going to the additions page. Don't use my guestbook for flames or junkmail. See my thoughts on that at
the bottom of this page.
Thanks to all of you who actually put in valid comments. Unforutnately, due to the almost OUTRAGEOUS amount of spam that this page gets, I've had to shut down the guestbook. What is it about spammers? When will they realize that less is more? When people are swamped with advertisements incessantly, they invariably stop listening.. Idiots. >_<; Webmaster USA - Monday, July 07, 2003 at 01:07:33 (EDT) I just love Harvey the hamster music video its my favorite of all time! Jay USA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 10:56:03 (EST) nice guestbook make una leave 4 meoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mugu <mugu@yahoo.com> hawaii, USA - Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 23:29:19 (EST) THHHHEEE Best But if u can get some more wallpapers Viggie <undercall2002@hotmail.com> ivo, uni sweden - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 04:43:21 (EST) Yay...the Trigun background was the coolest i've found so far. It rocks. masked llama haddonfield, IL USA - Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 02:09:38 (EST) Terry- Love the music videos.. You have to make more and post more. Your pal, Mark Mark Lasuk <mlasuk@hotmail.com> Pasadena, MD USA - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 14:05:42 (EDT) i was wonderin if u could send me some dance dance relvolution vids i would really appreciate it thanks well if u can email me LiL_D <lil_dawg005@hotmail.com> Bradford, Caada - Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 01:20:56 (EDT) Bloody hell Spider is so great i can stop watching it. It's easily one of the most amusing anime clips i have ever seen. It's good that you have your clips for show nice and small for dail up poeple but could you have an option for the larger files plz. Bloody brillinet work. ps. does They might be gaints know of your film clips they should because they are good Azriel <azriel96@hotmail.com> Brisbane, Qld Australia - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 00:42:16 (EDT) very cool web. i love da backgrounds. keep up da good work!!! weedie <nerdstorm@hotmail.com> vancouver, canada - Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 00:14:33 (EDT) Dig my gavie is kick ass music Video Spider it's F#%$ up but Funnest sound like somebody got kill Haive the wounder Hamter cool Kenny Neilsen <supers3neilsen> Chubbuck, Idaho USA - Friday, May 10, 2002 at 05:51:50 (EDT) dunno yet. i just got here. but i got good impression already from my short wandering sonny wijaya <daigakusei2002@anixtreme.com> depok, jawa barat indonesia - Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 06:35:32 (EST) Dud I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVe your M.V.'s!!!! Especially your Slayers one it was so asome!!!!!! Dig my grave Is SOOOOOOOOOOOO Cool!!! Midnight Auska <reiayanami89@yahoo.com> Shawnee, Oklahoma USA - Friday, February 15, 2002 at 18:52:24 (EST) this is a nice web page i sort of came here by mistake but im glad I did nice job once again s.dragon <x> N.C., USA USA - Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 12:23:57 (EST) Hey Guys. Just wanted to say that this site is really cool. Guys who play DDR, stop by Chinatown Fair and have some fun. 5th mix there too. Yeah RJ is you see this, yep it's me James who lives near you. IM me one time. James Tatad <ixquikjaexi@aol.com> Brooklyn, NY USA - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 18:03:28 (EST) Terry, great job!! I loved the BC tourney shots. They look so cool. Keep up the good work!! My end shot is something I can look at in pride. Take care for now buddy! Dorian Ludvick <studvick@yahoo.com> New York....The Bronx, NY USA - Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 00:45:06 (EST) So, umm.... It's been a while since I last signed you guestbook, so I thought that I might do a little doodle again. I can't, however, match up to Alex's story, so I'm not even going to try. I saw "Amores Perros" tonight...good mood. To be honest I'm here writing this, because I can't think of any ideas for the advertisement copy. It either comes out cheezy or far too serious. It's damn late now, too.. Jonathan <jharmon@unc.edu> Chapel Hill, NC USA - Thursday, October 18, 2001 at 02:29:50 (EDT) Hi ^___^ Very nice site! I think there's a picture of the back of my head somewhere in your Otakon 2K pictures XD! Very great pictures!!!! Coley <Pentigulia@aol.com> C.B., IA USA - Friday, October 12, 2001 at 01:55:52 (EDT) Hey Terry! I saw your post on COSP about the AZ Report being completed (waah, been waiting patiently for that one for a long time! ^_^) and had to come and look at all the pretty photos! You are truely talented and a master at Photography *bows to the master* - I view Wuke and you to be the two most professional and fantastic costume photographers (if that's a term ^^;!)Both of you do SUCH good work throughout! I also enjoyed reading yout report - thanks for putting up the lyrics to your skit! To this day I count the MiB performance as one of the funniest but well thought out skits I've seen! Which con are you going to next? I would love to hang out with you and Kat and the crowd! ^_^ It kinda didn't happen at Otakon ^^;... Sorry for ranting, I just had to let you know how much I adore your site. I look forward to your Otakon photos! ~Yaya Yaya <angellain@yahoo.com> Atlanta, GA USA - Monday, October 01, 2001 at 16:22:40 (EDT) Very nice site. Look at mine, it has eyebrows. Ray Biddle <Raybid@talk21.com> Manchester, UK - Sunday, September 09, 2001 at 16:14:31 (EDT) Wow this is a great website you got here dog. I just thought I sign your guessbook to know what's up.Those pictures of me you took at the invitational were great son. Anyways I don't have much time to talk so I just want to tell you that I will be at OTAKON this year and I'm going as the ghetto fabulous version of HYATO from Rival schools.......O_O see ya. nuggetseele:freestyle for life son! Bryan Hayes (nuggetseele) <nugget_eotc@juno.com> Derby, CT USA - Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 14:49:44 (EDT) Great page. Any idea when the rest of the Animazement 2k1 pictures will be up? Melissa USA - Monday, July 16, 2001 at 01:46:32 (EDT) Just thought I'd note : 20000 hits as of July 10th. :) Oh, and hate mailers - remember.. there's a special email address just for you guys. diefanboydie@flybynightdesign.com - have fun. Doc Ido <webmaster@flybynightdesign.com> USA - Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 02:04:01 (EDT) Well, I do love the backgrounds and the Harvey the wonder hamster video, I was just wondering, Did you create the backgrounds yourself? Mononoke <Mononoke_2k@yahoo.com> ^_^, ^_~ USA - Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 00:47:24 (EDT) I absolutely love the you tenchi music video! It is so adorable!!! Your websites nice too. Nova292000 <nova292000@yahoo.com> Washington USA - Saturday, June 23, 2001 at 18:43:19 (EDT) I LIKE THE VID'S THEY WERE COOL ESPECIALLY THE RYOOKI ONE Lei <'''''''> Birmingham, West Midlands England - Sunday, June 03, 2001 at 15:21:33 (EDT) Wow, this is the first time I've signed your guestbook as me (and not the Wraith). Your pics rock, but you didn't need me to tell you that. Looking forward to the rest of the ACen pics ::slave drive:: so I can have more happy fun CGing random stuff....hehehehe..... sundancekat <klandrew@unity.ncsu.edu> Raleigh, NC USA - Wednesday, May 16, 2001 at 09:50:44 (EDT) Hey there! Great looking page, though the link to the picture of me on Sunday is broken! wah!!! Anyways, hope you have fun at this years Anime North! It's only 2 more weeks away!!!! Ja ne! Elaine "Tifa" Gillies <ryo_suki@hotmail.com> Whitby, Ontario Canada - Monday, May 07, 2001 at 00:30:12 (EDT) why does this web site jesse andrews <www.@whdk_wrcx> belvile, canada canada - Tuesday, May 01, 2001 at 10:13:16 (EDT) Thank you thank you for such a delightful webpage. Your layout is beautiful and made brousing through the pics fun. Thanks for sharing them with all of us. ^.^ Will you ever attend any California cons? pyxie <jaymiemay@yahoo.com> USA - Tuesday, April 24, 2001 at 15:14:29 (EDT) Thank You for including pictures of my Godzilla costume on your website coverage of Anime North 2000. :) It's very appriciated as I didn't get any picture of the costume myself after being stuck in 'zilla for 6 hours and suffering from heat exaustion after! < rueful chuckle > Also my little sister (Little Cleo) is thrilled to see herself in the post cosplay pic as well. Once again, Thank You. We really enjoyed your website. Dawn and Jenny McKechnie Dawn McKechnie Canada - Sunday, April 22, 2001 at 19:26:13 (EDT) Hey Terry! I FINALLY got all the pics you took for the DDR Invitationals! Great job, and yo, how come there's so much of 'RJ' in it?! See ya soon! Christine <kyoko@koneko.org> Brooklyn, NY USA - Sunday, April 01, 2001 at 12:39:13 (EDT) Your site rocks!!! I loved the pictures and the music videos. Hopefully, my picture will be in the one that you`ll do for Otakon2001. By the way, where is the Con-suite???? Danielle <ultimecia029@hotmail.com> B-more, Maryland USA - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 13:53:38 (EST) Terry, I am very upset at those captions under my pictures for the december 2000 invitational. but keep them up anyway, i am wain in that sense. anyhoo....it seems that you will forever set me with a vendetta against the smurfs! : P RJ (donatello) <steamedhams@bigfoot.com> brooklyn, ny USA - Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 15:05:11 (EST) How could you guys hate Shoma...how??? Aside from that minor point...this site is great..and just in case you didn't realise...i was wearing the Shoma costume at Katsu 7....ok bye now! Dezzy Wong <Carrot_kun@hotmail.com> Sheffield, UK - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 06:49:52 (EST) Doc you D man...if all else fales remember you can always make the midgets make toys!! Owen Garr Fulcher <you wish...(i wish too)> beltscille, uncontious USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 20:33:50 (EST) Doc you D man...if all else fales remember you can always make the midgets make toys!! Owen Garr Fulcher <you wish...(i wish too)> beltscille, uncontious USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 20:33:35 (EST) Yo! I'm sazer, representin Columbus Performance Clan. Uh, I'll be moving up to New Rochelle in a few months. Where u guys play up there? Looking forward to stompin with u all. (Played at Barcode once, thats about it) sazer <sazer@sega.net> Columbus!, Ohio =( USA - Thursday, February 15, 2001 at 08:00:02 (EST) I was the guy dressed as the UFO Catch machine at Otakon 2000. Thanks for including my picture in your con coverage. (And, of course, I LOVE your music videos. TMBG RULES!) Nathan - Sunday, February 11, 2001 at 17:14:35 (EST) WHOOOOOHOOO!!! This is just me, but I HAD to post something to signify this... Its official, FBND has reached the magic 10000 mark, as of 1/29/01 around 6PM EST!! HUZZAH! .. Hey, wait, why are those people here with that white jacket? HEY LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Doc The Stampede <docthestampede@yahoo.com> USA - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 13:11:16 (EST) otakon 2k rocked tha house! ive been an otakon groupie since '97 and its been great seeing how the event keeps getting better every year. if anyone knows the dates for otakon 2001 lemme know. peace out! jusania <soul__sister@gURLmail.com> shaolin, new york USA - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 16:50:48 (EST) WHERE IS THE DIGLETT PICS IN HERE I COULDN'T FIND ANY!! WHAT U DIDN'T APPRECIATE ME OR SOMETHING! *cries* oh its ok just make sure u get a diglett pic up soon... Great site! like the pics! see ya <:o) Diglett <animeN64girl@webtv.com> ???, MD USA - Tuesday, January 09, 2001 at 13:54:28 (EST) You think staffing was bad at otakon 2000? What about the gofers? Yeah you guys gave us the shaft. But hey that's what gofering is all about right? I love you guys anyway. But you won't run me around again this time cause I'm the brand new staff member. Yeah...can't push me around this time. HAHAHAHA ....by the way...great page man. Paul Lemieux <superchichi@saiyan.com> Memphis, TN USA - Monday, November 13, 2000 at 16:20:33 (EST) Hey terry! Cool site. Keep up the great work with the con pics. *sings* Secret..ASAIN man....! -Johnny Johnny(Canasain) <kaji_ryoji@usa.net> Toronto, ON Canada - Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 19:20:41 (EST) Hi. Your videos are very cool. I was wondering if you remember Animazement 2000? I remember seeing your Lupin III- "spider' video. I saw it one your site too, but it is different from the one you submitted to AZ2000. It had more short songs on it. I was wondering if you still had those? I would like to see them again. If you could put them on a page.... Well, thats all. ja. ^-^ jina <RainChylde@aol.com> USA - Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 22:54:09 (EDT) Hi Terry! Thanks for signing my guestbook! I am so honored, teehee! We gotta play Nitro sometime...I gotta get screenshots of cards so I can start our Nitro "edumakashiun" heheh.... other than that, see you next con! hai, atto deh neh Cindy Demmy_chan <Chiisai_D@hotmail.com> Fairfax, VA USA - Monday, September 04, 2000 at 04:18:46 (EDT) Konnichiwia! hey I'm in here! yatta! I finally found a pic of me as Relena Peacecraft from Gundam Wing w/ my ane chan Michi-chan and Pika Girl. Otakon has been done for awhile now but hey it was cool. My 3rd Otakon. Hey Michi-chan! anyway thanks for getting a pic of me up! Did you get any w/ me as Sakura in her cheerleading uniform from Card Captor Sakura? I haven't seen one yet..* pu* well Ja ne for now! Serena-chan <kinomoto_sakurA03@excite.com> Goshen, NY USA - Friday, September 01, 2000 at 12:38:52 (EDT) You got some great pics up here. Espicially Dar the Viking. You missed me, though, but I'll change that next year. Until then, may anime rule the world!!! Red <sonofdragons@hotmail.com> Owings Mills, Towson, Maryland USA - Sunday, August 27, 2000 at 21:40:49 (EDT) Your pics for Otakon2K are so great ^.^ I'm the wierdo Bondage Fairy on the Friday page 1. And the Seifer in the other pic over the railing is my boyfriend, the Ward with him our friend. Just wanna say your site is lovely and keep up with all the good work. I hope you will be able to attend Katsucon! Teehee, it always makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside when someone signs your guestbook, doesn't it? G-chan <azalyn@losstarot.com> Barto, PA USA - Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 03:48:28 (EDT) Oh my goodness! I'm in your pictures! ::blushes:: Ehehe....I'm the one on the thumbnail for the cel-painting picture. (Y'know, w/ the green arm band thingies..)AAAA, I'm so embarrassed. I look like a spaz. Anyway, I really like this site. Such pretty colors and layout! Meg-chan - Thursday, August 03, 2000 at 22:18:26 (EDT) The first anime convention that I have ever been to was Anime North 2000. By the time I got there I was slightly pissed because of losing all my money for an overpriced bus ticket and I didn't know what to expect. By the time the Music Video Contest started pretty much everyone I talked to was raving about how amazing it was last year. My expectations were high expected an amazing time. Your videos rolled along pretty soon and I was just amazed. As soon as I got home I had downloaded the songs you used and eventually the videos as well. Now I just have to thank you for providing such an amazing experience which was one of the many high points during the convention. Thank you. Robin Buckwalter <JadedDragoon@aol.com> Brooklyn, NY USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 20:29:07 (EDT) YAY TERRY!!! Absolutely adorable site, but I'm sure that's not what I'm supposed to think. No, for real, very cool. Miss you lots, can't wait to see you again so I can give ya another nosebleed. Perv-o. ^_^ SuperSonya <jezebelle_in_hell@yahoo.com> USA - Sunday, June 25, 2000 at 20:01:51 (EDT) In between packets of information and the fuzzy tree of the Land, there lies a small little hovel. Beautifully constructed, as far as hovels go, it was home to the foot, ashplant, and glasses of the one known generally as Doc Afkish. So old was he, that none were sure whether the 'Doc' meant he was a doctor, or whether it was his name. Either way, though, Dr. Afkish (as we shall call him for, as historians, we are assured that this is the correct form of his name) was a man known to many. Based on careful study of many historical texts and accounts by those who lived during the same period of time, the doctor was a talkative, jolly fellow. Unfortunately, though, he was only human and, like many of us, he was prey to various addictions (namely machines which captured people and little pills that made him hyper and burned his tongue). But these addictions are recounted to a fuller extent in my forthcoming book. For now, this short story which you read at this very occurence in space/time (though what happens when no one is reading it, I do not know) is merely the first in what will become my great corpus of work. This small work was written mainly to introduce the world to the man who was known as Dr. Afkish, and to prepare them for the renaissance that is sure to come when my account of this man's extraordinary life is released upon the world. Name <Yujinbito@yahoo.com> Bob, Tom Joe - Saturday, June 03, 2000 at 17:21:43 (EDT) buahahahahaa.....you know all those videos you have rule....but what's this about me and a bowling ball? the Wraith - Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 02:26:22 (EDT) *Unfunf* There, how's that? =^-~= Oh, all right....Um....ALTOIDS FOREVER!...Oh, yeah, and your page rocks. *WEG* Donielle Mari Hare/Deionæra Mystagic/Linka of Hyrule <donielle@snowhill.com> Dothan, Alabama USA - Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 02:24:03 (EDT) A sight for sore eyes of the sleep deprived. Jon <ctsj2@bsco.com> yes, relaxed USA - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 15:26:46 (EDT) Man, I need more Penguins! The tin that you gave me could barely hold out for a couple of days, not including my plane ride home! Must get more Penguins.... caffienated mints are too good. Grand Chibi Crotch Stuffer Danny <Madranchan@aol.com> Springfield, Virginia USA - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 09:17:28 (EDT) If only he would stop working on videos and check in on how *I* feel, I'd like the site more. What is my mental state? He won't tell me! Edan <edan@hellblazer.net> USA - Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 21:49:30 (EDT) DUDE got a guestbook. and i like the look of it. now i can leave you obsene message and plug myself whenever i'm bored. don't you love being my friend!!?? hahah elfman <gojira@hellblazer.net> The Abyss, State of Confusion USA - Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 21:46:54 (EDT) Before I found Fly By Night Design I used to crap my own pants when i had to get some graphics work done! Now i just crap in Terry's pants! And all my graphics are Crap Free! Pulse <pulse@hellblazer.net> USA - Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 21:43:31 (EDT) And all the girlies say...he's pretty fly for a video guy Jonathan Harmon <hachiman@hotmail.com> Raleigh, NC USA - Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 21:36:11 (EDT) Hey! Gimme back that Clow Card! >_< `ls -l` *messes with the guestbook* Card Captor Cookie <cookie@lazerlink.com> Kyoto, Japan - Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 21:30:58 (EDT) Return to thy true form CLOW CARD! *whacks the fan boy* Scott Argenziano <argenziano.1@osu.edu> Columbus, OH USA - Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 21:26:50 (EDT) The guestbook is alive and kickin! The first entry! I'm so proud! Captain <captain@flybynightdesign.com> New York, NY USA - Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 20:53:42 (EDT) By the way, sometimes people think it's funny place flames and hatemail on my guestbook.
I define hatemail as something that does NOT have an actual suggestion or coherent commentary,
but purely focuses on trying to hurt me or others. Those messages have been deleted. Flame me? Sure, go ahead, but do it in private. Got a REAL comment or suggestion? Make it public if you feel it necessary. However, I draw the line at messages that are purely out to use my guestbook for the harassment of other people. If you have something you want to say, or want to just throw random venom at me, please use the proper email for it. diefanboydie@flybynightdesign.com |
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The "Curves" typeface used for "Fly By Night Design" Copyright Terry Chu 1997. Fly By Night Design logo Copyright 1999 - Terry Chu of Fly By Night Design. Any inquiries should be directed to Terry Chu at Fly By Night Design. |