Anime North 2000 -
The con that will always be known in my head as "The Donut Con".
Why? Well, you'll just have to visit my "Con
Report" page to find out. To summarize, Anime North was a small
con that nonetheless was a fun weekend trip, and a good test of my coverage
skills. Those of you I met at the convention, click here
for a few individualized comments. <smile>
Now, regarding the photo gallery. Please note that this is the
only con's coverage I have kept that was shot on my video camera rig.
All the stillshots are actually video captures that I ripped stills from.
I apoligize for the less than quality images you'll see here.
There are galleries up for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, as well as a
gallery dedicated to the Jigglypuff bashing. Two galleries to the
Post Cosplay photo shoot follow, and finally, an experiement.
CONTEST! "Shakin dat thang" Any of you folk who were
at Anime North, if you spot yourself in one of the dance pictures, email
me and I'll send you a nice little JPEG that you can either put on a website
or print into a badge for the next con! Be a proud bearer!
Email me with your name, the exact filename of the picture you were
in and some kind of identifying information so I can get the right face
(or general shape) for your Jpeg. No guarantees, no speedy turnarounds,
What do you get? Just a graphic and a smile, and a little bit
of fame. If there's enough response I'll make it a regular thing.
That's all. Go have fun. <smile>