Friday - I was kept fairly busy on friday, so there isn't too much of note to see.
Everyone's got to earn their wings somehow... Hey, can you blame an anime character for needing some relaxation after THAT panel? Now, pose for the camera.  No, I said pose... Little did people know that Faye enjoys a game of 'Pull the Finger' as much as anyone else. Scuse me, miss, you've gained a passenger.
I count five distinct pairs of shoes in this huddle vs. heterosexuality that took place in the lobby. Spike's enjoying himself, really. Animazement put their DDR players up for observation by anyone who passed by. Needless to say, most players played up to this. Max likes to play Airplane!
Good old Manga Sakura. Sakura and Kero share some.. .. woah, wait a minute.. Sakura poses with Pimpin' Kero and Pimpin' Suppi. Pimpin Kero-chan and Pimpin Suppi-chan. Time to play, 'What's the max limit, REALLY?'

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The "Curves" typeface used for "Fly By Night Design"  Copyright Terry Chu 1997.
Fly By Night Design logo  Copyright 1999 - Terry Chu of Fly By Night Design.
Any inquiries should be directed to Terry Chu at Fly By Night Design.