B Roll Gallery - Stuff that didn't fit for some reason in the normal galleries, and thus aren't retouched.
'Damn, I'm bored.. Did the camera guy take his photo yet?' 'I will allow you to continue on your quest, if you find me some SHRUBBERY!' All of a sudden, I couldn't frame anything right. ^_^; More crowds - everyone jump up and down and see if we can make the stage fall! ...  no.. I was kidding.. 'But I'm drinking MILK, and someday I'll be a famous anime character!'
Its amazing what kind of wierd photos you'll get when you shoot blind. Goku's having a bit of a problem with his hair - someone get him a stand to prop himself on. You know, one has to wonder what EXACTLY that Sakura has in mind for Kero-chan.. Kero looks like he's singing, 'Taking the little Sakura's and bopping them on the head!' 'Hey kid - I got a couple of Clow Cards to sell yua.'
These are the sheets I had to read my judge intros from.  I love the illustration.  The Japanese guests were listed to me as women. Note the hastily scribbed crib notes - next year...  I want prep time. :) Kero chan...  collared and OH so happy about it. The Hall costume contest for Shoujocon 2001 had a healthy number of entrants. Of course, its not a con to us unless there's some DDR.
Another look at the late night diehards. Shoujocon's famous for giving congoers the opportunity to beat up their favorite characters. Some get frighteningly proud of their achievements. Toby entertains the Sunday crowd. Here, we have Spike, who was mistaken for a Pinata in the Whack-a-Thon.

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The "Curves" typeface used for "Fly By Night Design"  Copyright Terry Chu 1997.
Fly By Night Design logo  Copyright 1999 - Terry Chu of Fly By Night Design.
Any inquiries should be directed to Terry Chu at Fly By Night Design.