Saturday (2/2) - Saturday late night was the usual hunt to entertain yourself.
There really were an extraordinary amount of CCS cosplayers at Shoujocon. This costumer won best original costume for her despiction of her own manga character. Now I'm scared, as Sakura seems to be eyeing the crowd all as cards to capture... To quote Billy Joel, 'With a patch over the eye..' Um, Utena, I don't thin kthat's the right person to draw the sword out of...
Movie version Utena and Anthy - a popular hit at the convention. The youngest Sakura cosplayer, people fell over from the cuteness. I caught her fairly late at night tho, and my photos came out horrible. :( Her mother had a frightening contrast with a Malice Mizer costume. The Yaoi hit of the con, Vash and Wolfwood.
Trigun will NEVER be the same when I watch it now.. I caught these three before they went into the Dance. The girl on the right has the perfect 'dead to the world' eyes. This couple brought a little bit of elegance to the convention. Tho I find that people staring directly at me without blinking gves me the willies. :)
More cosplayers caught right before hey went into the dance. Alex from Clockwork orange is accompanied by random.. J-Rockers? 'Its all done with mirrors my friend..' After a while, we set off on a quest...   The quest to FEED THE FANS. One of the faithful questers - who would resist taking Pizza from this man?
Three Saturday night fans who were happily fed. Observe this lady's 'Two Fisted Pizza Feeding' Style. At 2am Saturday night, we ended up relaxing with cards and a casual game or three. The strangest drink bottle, which involves a marble and popping.... Right. The diehard Saturday night crowd, going strong even after 4AM.

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The "Curves" typeface used for "Fly By Night Design"  Copyright Terry Chu 1997.
Fly By Night Design logo  Copyright 1999 - Terry Chu of Fly By Night Design.
Any inquiries should be directed to Terry Chu at Fly By Night Design.