Personal Favorites
Personal Favorities, for those of you new to my coverage, are selections
of my personal favorites from the coverage of a particular convention.
Noting in particular determines a category, in fact sometimes I just make
them up. ;)
Bascally, for some reason I feel like gabbing about a particular photo.
For Animazement, there are definitely a few nice selections, for either
photographic or humor content. So, in no particular order...
Best Photo
It was hard for me to decide on a paritcular shot for
this convention. IN the end, I had to choose Kat in her Sakura (Manga)
Costume. This is actualy a fairly heavily edited photo, as it started
off as a problem picture, but the final results make for a decent, albeit
impossible photo. |
Strangest Hallway Moment
I see way too many feet for that small a space, and they
all look female.
I'm told it was a meeting of the local chapter of SAH!
"Strike against Heterosexuality!" |
Cutest Costume
Again, I have to give the prize for this one to Kat and
her Neko-Ruri Costume. This was made all the more potent because
it was, to date, totally out of character to Kat's usual portfolio of costumes.
I hear they're great as jammies too. |
Highest Amount of Pink Fabric
These two had the most pink I've ever seen in costumes.
Combined with well crafted costumes and good looking people,
and the camera wants to break from the color scheme. ;) |
Best Uniform
Everyone loves a well dressed man, and women love a man
in uniform. Aaron here, who also sidelines as one of the Lain MiB's,
has become known for his costume of Maximilian Jenious.
Oh and ladies, he's available, and military's a good
catch! ;) |
Favorite Photoshop FX
I've taken to editing photos more often for effect.
In this case I had an extra, so I decided to play a bit with the motion
of the arms and a little bit of selective radial blurring. The results
are less flashy than some of my other experiements but still clear, and
my favorite from this batch. |
Best Posed Group
The three Lain MiB Recruits are lined up here in a great
posed shot.
Are they scanning the crowd, searching for Lain?
Are they playing games on their headsets?
Or are they just napping? |
Best Portrait Shot
Jenny's Ice Fairy closeup here came out strangely posed
and lit. Something about it made me decide to give it some special
Photoshop treatment, and the result was a fairly airy feeling photo that
works well with the costume. Definitely my favorite portrait of the
con. |
Best Costume
Its honestly no coincidence that the costume I picked
also happened to be part of the skit that won Best of Show at Animazement's
Cosplay. Its definitely one of the more intricate costumes, in its
careful design and construction, and its natural look. This costume
is a beauty. |
Moodiest Photo
The Dead Dog party always sets the tone for the eventual
trip home. Unlike some conventions, we had a very good Dead Dog,
good tmes were had by all. As cars loaded up and prepared to go home,
I caught Octavian dancing away to the music, setting a perfect ending mood. |