June 2001 Invitational - Dancers battled horrific humidity and heat, and an insufficent air conditioner to play.  Despite the stickyness, people had a good time and strutted their stuff.
'I'm Singing in the Rain, I'm Singing in the Rain....' List founder Christine in one of the few photos I caught of her. New faces to the coverage, with a good number of onlookers trying to cool off by the AC. This isn't blur.  Its creative license with the shutter speed.  ^_^; Nice mid-drop shot.  Or as I like to call it.. 'SWOOSH!'
Some people were perfectly fine with a couch and a Game Boy Advanced. :) Maryssa shows off her knee drop.  (NO, she is not flashing anyone.  You pervs. ;) 1 - 'Psst - you think he's gonna fall off the board?'  2 - 'I hope not, I wanna play next.' Strike a pose, there's nothing to it, Vogue! Two more new faces to the coverage.  And no one is paying attention to them.  The shame!
Maryssa shows clearly what she thinks of the photographer's skills.. Again... 'SWOOSH!'  And the obligatory foot shot is done. Tifa caught mid spin - probably the best shot of the day. Crazy Dan takes over RJ's job at smushing a smurf or two. Norm realizes that he's playing two player versus mode by himself.
Norm also realizes that he has the leg reach for it.  <wince> 'Hey man, I told you, don't cross that line!' While Priscilla handles her own, the other players are discovering three person DDR. Norm decides he's going to handle a song, butt first. Most heard phrase as he did this?
Just a fun shot, the reflection of the glass caught everyone outside, including the photographer. ;) As many people as we could grab get tossed out in Queens Blvd to pose for the group shot. Ha!  Its your turn to take the chances with the mad cabbies! What's a little rain when you're taking a group shot?  Rain can't hurt. But when the light turns green, everyone had better RUN!

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The "Curves" typeface used for "Fly By Night Design"  Copyright Terry Chu 1997.
Fly By Night Design logo  Copyright 1999 - Terry Chu of Fly By Night Design.
Any inquiries should be directed to Terry Chu at Fly By Night Design.