Broadway City Tournament - 9/8/2001 - Held in Broadway City's (then) unfinished section.  The BC tournament had the largest turnout in terms of spectators of any DDR tournament held up to this time.  Using 800 speed film in dim lighting with no flash kept the GOOD photos to a minimum.  <frown>
Let us begin with a handplant. Flying over the bar, or having an unfortunate accident?  You decide. Insert proper superhero powerup theme music here. Someone's use of a flash worked out to the photo's advantage here. Watch as the partner runs off the pad before he gets beaned in the head. ^_^
'Pardon me as I stretch.' One has to admire her ability to totally ignore the competition's sudden assault. Especially when the competition is physically dragged off the pad. The winner of the Score based SSR section of the tournament. Demonstrating how to confuse the harshest mistress - gravity.
One of the freestyle competitors. Its hard to capture the fun in this routine. A poor dancer gets caught in a strange photo-equipment breakdown.  We never found the body. Classic trouper - even after being mangled, he continues to dance. ;) As a chosen disadvantage, this dancer blinded herself with her own hair.
'WAIT!  I see a roach!  AHHHHHHH!!!! <stomp stomp stomp>' Allan was out filming footage for a future DVD release of tournament coverage. Demonstrating the Indian chop that made some baseball team famous. ;) Winner of the Score based Basic/Trick tournament. One suspects this one has a message for the photographer.  -_-;
There was actually a fairly healthy turnout for the NYC scene. Photos can't catch this guy's grace on the pad. The tournament was entered by young and old - and the young ones often made old farts look bad. Pandemonium erupts as everyone jumps in to take a free credit. Dorian gets the one cool looking photo, as the lighting gets a mind of its own.

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Any inquiries should be directed to Terry Chu at Fly By Night Design.