The Jigglypuff Files - (Destruction of the Jigglypuff Pinata Saturday..)
( Ready to meet your fate, Jigglypuff? ) ( Hanging in midair, waiting for the next blow, how gruesome! ) ( She swings, and.. ITS GOOD!! ) ( But, that hit is deemed insufficent, and Jigglypuff is hung up again. ) ( He draws back, finds his target, and... )
( The swing is good!  Jiggly becomes the Comet! ) ( The young ones examine the gaping hole for goodies. ) ( Yet again, the damage is not enough, and Jiggly goes up for another blow. ) ( Examine the fear in Jiggly's eyes.. ) ( Oh, the horror!  The Suspense!  THE RATINGS! )
( Another bat.  Why no guns? Howitzers? Perhaps a simple sharpie marker and time? ) ( NO, its the bat, and Jiggly goes flying again! ) ( Not to be held back, the swarming masses attach the dead body. ) ( A little girl looks on from a safe distance, perhaps in shock. ) ( What are they fighting over?  Oh my, its the remains! )
( Con staff?  Or evil overlord watching his minions masticate a pokemon? ) ( Whilst filming, I was nearly run through by the rushing masses when Jiggly went down. ) ( Someone makes off with the final remains, much rejoicing and scarfing of candy is had. )

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The "Curves" typeface used for "Fly By Night Design"  Copyright Terry Chu 1997.
Fly By Night Design logo  Copyright 1999 - Terry Chu of Fly By Night Design.
Any inquiries should be directed to Terry Chu at Fly By Night Design.