Sunday Coverage - (I had to leave early, so there isn't much.. ^_^;;)
( Noontime, and people were already lining up to leave. ) ( Totoro and friends included! I thought the Catbus was supposed to carry everything... ) ( Wow, a Sunday cosplayer!  Tifa from FF7 looks great. <smile> ) ( This dapper cosplayer is MUCH too good looking for a Sunday. <wry grin> ) ( Gojira-san was.. ahem.. taken care of. )
( Who's Derwin, and why is he so important? ) ( Artist's alley does bustling business even on Sunday. ) ( Pappa keeps this artist company on a lazy Sunday. ) ( A shot of the exit we left by, and some idle guy ogiling the women.. Or maybe just taking a cigarette break. ) ( A final moody shot of the walk to the car. )

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The "Curves" typeface used for "Fly By Night Design"  Copyright Terry Chu 1997.
Fly By Night Design logo  Copyright 1999 - Terry Chu of Fly By Night Design.
Any inquiries should be directed to Terry Chu at Fly By Night Design.